Kévin Sauvage

Hello, I'mKevin Sauvage

I'm a developer passionate about crafting exceptional websites. Currently, I'm immersed in the exciting world of crafting accessible, human-centered products at Decathlon.

About Me

01.Who I Am

  • Hello, I'm Kévin Sauvage, and my journey over the last three years has been dedicated to exploring the world of software development. I am passionate about crafting websites that are not only user-friendly but also high-performing and accessible.

  • I've learned a bunch of programming languages and tools to make sure I build great websites. I'm comfortable with JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS, SvelteJS, NodeJS and ExpressJS. These skills allow me to create websites that are both visually appealing and functionally robust.

  • Outside of tech, I enjoy exploring Barcelona, going on hikes, and staying active. I'm also really into music, movies, and trying out new places to eat.

My Experience

02.Where I Worked

Software Developer@ Decathlon

October 2023 - present

Promoted to develop a new checkout system serving 15 countries, conducting successful AB tests and achieving significant positive impacts on conversion rates and shipping page access rates.

  • - Led the development of a new checkout system serving 15 countries.
  • - Conducted successful AB tests with significant positive impacts on conversion rates
  • - Achieved significant positive impact on shipping page access rates

My Skills

03.What I Do

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • SASS

  • Tailwind

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • React

  • NextJs

  • Svelte

  • NodeJs

  • Express

  • Redux

  • MongoDB

  • Jest

  • Git

  • Github

My Projects

04.What I Built

Contact Me

05.Let's work together